Dr. Todd Riddle
Dr. Todd Riddle is a practicing chiropractic clinician specializing in sports medicine and physical rehabilitation in Seabrook, TX with over two decades of experience in sports-medicine and human performance.
Dr. Todd Riddle is a clinician, specializing in sports chiropractic and physical rehabilitation. Dr. Riddle earned his undergraduate degree in Exercise Science, with a concentration in Kinesiotherapy from the University of Toledo, while competing as a two-sport athlete. Riddle worked for the University of Toledo’s Kinesiotherapy Center providing land and aquatic-based rehabilitation programs. Dr. Riddle has two decades of experience in the field of athletic and human performance. He has coached/trained thousands of athletes, ranging from amateur to professional, Olympic medalists, NFL, NBA, NHL, PGA, LPGA and MLB.
In 2018, Dr. Riddle was the official sports chiropractor for the historic, Nigeria women’s bobsleigh and skeleton teams at the PyeongChang Winter Olympics. He toured with Australia Bobsleigh and Skeleton on the World Cup circuit in Germany in 2021. Riddle also served on the sports chiropractic delegation for World Games in July 2022.
Dr. Riddle is a faculty member at Texas Chiropractic College and is currently the Director of Education for Southeast Professional Education Group; teaching FAKTR and Dynamic Tape. He has presented all over North America, Europe, Africa, Australia and Asia. He also has served as a reviewer of scientific articles and books chapters related to sports medicine and rehabilitation.
Dr. Christopher Marvin
Dr. Christopher Marvin is a chiropractic clinician practicing in Seabrook, TX specializing in nutrition, fitness, human performance and rehabilitation.
You Don't Have to be a World-Class Athlete to Receive World-Class Care
If you’re training for your tenth triathalon, prepping for the big game or simply looking for a solution to nagging pain and stiffness in your daily life, at Coastal Performance Chiropractic we treat patients from all walks of life and levels of activity and sport.
Comprehensive Exam
every patient completes a thorough health history and goes through a complete physical examination before any treatment recommendations are made
Customized Care
no one-size-fits all treatments here ~ every patient receives the most appropriate treatment, customized to their unique needs
No Endless Care Plans
once a person has reached maximum improvement, recommendations will be made about how to improve their own fitness and will be discharged. Patients are only encouraged to return if they experience a flare-up or new problem.
Our experience
Our team at Coastal Performance Chiropractic is comprised of expert-level clinicians specializing in all aspects of human performance.